Looking to understand the adorable and spunky Yorkshire Terrier breed? Our Yorkie behaviour and psychology category is the ultimate resource for any dog lover! Discover the ins and outs of Yorkie temperament, learn how to train your furry friend, and gain insight into their unique personalities. From separation anxiety to socialization, our expert insights and tips will help you navigate life with your Yorkie like a pro. Don’t miss out on the ultimate guide to all things Yorkie!

yorkie separation anxiety

Separation Anxiety in Yorkies

Separation anxiety is a condition that affects many dogs, and Yorkies are no exception. These adorable little pups have a reputation for being fiercely loyal and protective of their owners, which can lead to intense emotional distress when they are left alone. This psychological disorder can result in a range of destructive behaviours and emotional distress, both for…

yorkie socialisation

The Benefits of Early Socialisation for Yorkie Puppies

Introducing a new puppy into your home can be an exciting and joyful experience, especially when it comes to a lively and adorable breed like Yorkies. However, it’s important to remember that your new furry friend is still a baby, and just like any baby, they require a lot of attention and care to grow into a well-behaved…